01. Clarity

Top stories

  • Google, OpenAI, Microsoft, Amazon, and others are joining the Coalition for Secure AI (CoSAI) to share info on making ‘secure-by-design’ AI. The Verge.

  • Australia to pursue AI, VR pilots for aged care reform. Healthcare IT News.

  • The European Unions new AI Act has come into effect. While this isn’t likely to impact small to medium Australian businesses, it may become a model for Australian regulation. Quartz.

  • OpenAI are releasing a tool called SearchGPT which is set to challenge the dominance of Google in the search engine space. The Guardian

  • This week, Mark Zuckerberg and Meta have released Llama 3.1 which seeks to make open source AI the industry standard. Meta

  • Elon Musk’s xAI announced the start of training for what he calls "the world's most powerful AI training cluster". Ars Technica


AI Safety and regulation continues to be a talking point at all levels. It’s a concern for global companies, governments and policy makers as well as small businesses. While thoughtful consideration is required at both ends of the spectrum, questions from a small to medium sized business vary greatly from those of government.

The development of the worlds largest AI supercluster by xAI, the proposed release of SearchGPT and the release of Llama 3.1 shows the pace at which development is taking place and the rivalling business models and routes to market for various AI tools. If nothing else, this diversity signals to us that AI will be available in many different flavours for different applications. This is a tectonic shift in the technology industry.

Today more than ever, it’s incumbent upon people and businesses to learn the language of AI and identify specific niches for them and their business to ensure they remain competitive.

Prompt of the Month

Chain of reasoning technique

Prompt your preferred AI tool to answer a specific question and ask them to provide their chain of reasoning. By being able to see how the AI arrived at a particular response you can quickly ascertain whether this was an appropriate response or not. Combine this with asking for multiple options or answers and you can quickly see the rationale behind the options helping you make more informed decisions.


Working with a client to improve customer success, we’ve seen great results with Loom. Following implementation they shared “with Loom our customer success team can quickly record answers to questions, have them transcribed and shared in minutes, rather than having to type out lengthy email responses. This saves time for customer success representatives, helps foster a more human connection, and shows our customers a higher level of care.””