00. Clarity

Top stories

  • Australia’s National AI Centre now falls under the Department of Industry, Science and Resources, a move which aims to better connect AI advice from across Australia with government. Department of Industry Science and Resources.

  • Strong super fund performance has been attributed to a handful of technology stocks that have “hit the stratosphere” due to investments in AI. Sydney Morning Herald.

  • 16 NSW Councils are leveraging AI for faster development application processing, hoping to save 6300 hours over the 60,000 applications submitted annually. Property Council of Australia.

  • Anthropic (Claude) launched a $100 million AI startup fund for “startups focused on AI with societal benefits” Quartz

  • A recent report from Deloitte highlights sharply increasing adoption of AI in the construction industry, saying a third of Australian construction firms intend to incorporate AI into their operations in the future. IT Brief


Organisations are increasingly adding AI functionality to their applications. You’ll start to notice AI in your chat apps (WhatsApp); browsers (Chrome); and embedded at the operating system level (Mac, iOS, Windows). This will rapidly increase adoption in personal and business applications. Organisations are asking whether there are risks to be aware of and also how their teams can best take advantage of this new capability. Meanwhile, we’re seeing steady adoption among small businesses in manufacturing and construction industries following the early moves by larger Australian businesses. Questions we’re getting are still around how to adopt AI safely and also the potential opportunities to streamline existing processes and stimulate growth.

Prompt of the Month

Chain of reasoning technique

Prompt your preferred AI tool answer a specific question and ask them to provide their chain of reasoning. By being able to see how the AI arrived at a particular response you can quickly ascertain whether this was an appropriate response or not. Combine this with asking for multiple options or answers and you can quickly see the rationale behind the options helping you make more informed decisions.

For example: Our marketing team would like to reach new markets in Queensland, provide three options for achieving this and provide your reasoning.


Working with a client to improve customer success, we’ve seeing seeing great results with Loom. With Loom our customer success team can quickly record answers to questions, have them transcribed and shared in minutes, rather than having to type out lengthy email responses. This saves time for customer success representatives, helps foster a more human connection, and shows our customers a higher level of care.